Every consumer of insurance products need to review the coverage levels they carry on any insurance policy. An automobile insurance policy, in particular, needs re-visiting periodically and this vital coverage needs re-evaluating as your life changes and evolves. The policy you purchased at 18 may not cover your families household needs at age 35. Life changes due to marriage, divorce, or the death of a spouse require a serious look at the coverages you carry with any company. A proper insurance review is vital for you to maintain important protections. Setting this review annually will help you remember to call your insurance agent to make sure you have the coverages in place to protect you and your assets should an accident occur.
Ask your agent about discounts that may be applicable for you and your household. Certain anti-theft devices such as alarms or steering wheel locking devices may discount the premiums charged on coverages, like comprehensive, which covers theft of a vehicle among other things. Some companies like Progressive give you a discount on your automobile premiums if you own a home whether it's insured with Progressive or not.
Some companies offer a discount on automobile insurance premiums if you drive less than 7000 miles a year. Most companies will discount your six month or annual policy premium if you pay it in full. Consider reviewing your coverage needs with your local insurance agent to ensure that you have the vital protections that you need.